Chang's Hapkido Academy, Atlanta

3610 Dekalb Technology Parkway, Suite 120 , Atlanta , GA 30340-3607

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Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I try the class out before I join?

Absolutely! You can try it out FREE for a week. No uniform is needed for the trial period (wear any loose, comfortable clothing to stretch in) and you do not pay any other fee. Alternately, you are welcome to simply observe a class at no charge.


How do I register myself or my child?

Option 1: Show up at the academy about 30 minutes before a scheduled class and sign up right there.

Option 2: Send a check for $100 to Dr. Satish Nargundkar at 2802 Fairlane Dr . , Atlanta , GA 30340 to register. (You can fill out a form later when you come to class. Online forms will be available in the future.)


Do I have to register at the beginning of the month?

You can join any time!


What is a typical class like?

A typical class begins with ‘Ki’ exercises, which emphasize breathing and stretching. This is followed by practice of basic strikes such as punches and kicks, and then defensive techniques to counter such attacks. Most classes also include some sparring. The primary emphasis is on defensive techniques that include joint locks, throws, and sweeps. Physically, the goal is to control the opponent without causing permanent injury. The class usually ends with a few minutes of meditation.



Who can join?

Hapkido is open to everyone. Men, women and children of all ages are welcome. Children aged 5 or above are usually able to handle the hour long class – occasionally a younger one may join also. The self-defense skills do not rely on physical power. No prior martial arts experience is necessary. Students at various levels of expertise all practice together and are instructed according to their skill level.


Is it Safe?

Safe practice is emphasized in the classroom. Hapkido practice is generally safer than many sports like soccer, football, etc. As with any physical activity, however, there is always a chance of injuries.


Will it cause my child to fight? I do not want a violent activity for my child.

Hapkido practice teaches you discipline, and will help your child become softer and more confident. Violent behavior occurs when a threat is perceived and one lacks the confidence to handle it any other way. Hapkido practice will actually reduce the chances of such behavior. Further, confident and calm children can focus better at school, and academic performance also generally improves as a result.


Do you compete?

No. This is a traditional martial art, with emphasis on self-defense and discipline. We do not participate in tournaments.


How long will it take me to get a black belt?

It depends on you! When you are ready for one, you will probably have forgotten this question.


For further information, contact Dr. Satish Nargundkar at 678-644-6838 or at


©2005, Chang's Hapkido Academy, Atlanta. All Rights Reserved.